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Writer: EliEli

This is #TheMaster’s


First I like to publicly say THANK to the Following members of the leather community. Who has shown up and shown out with their INTEGRITY intact and never allowing their values to be compromised within the VILLAGE that I am humbled and proud to be a part of?

LordSawago Sawago, Master Ryuuza Tatsujin Sable, Master Joshua Rodriguez, slave Michelle Everheart, Master Dionne Choc-Trei Henderson, D Dom Sanchez, Sir Guy DeBrownsville, Master Mufasa Ali

These are the very FEW members who did what needed to be done and HAD THE NERVE& GUTS to do what was necessary to get ALL sides of the information BEFORE making a statement or joining a bandwagon to witch-hunt within your “community!


And.. I have always had TIME to ADDRESS anyone ready for the Truth…. LET GO! Virtual!

☝🏾First let me say: 🙏🏾 As a BLACK man my BLACK “BIPOC siblings.

I am always willing and able to address your concerns First, WHY because I am a DIRECT reflection of the reality as a POC in LEATHER culture.

So, THANK YOU to those of you who remain HONEST & LOYALTY during this entire process in this smear campaign to strip away titles and achievements during this journey.

Thank you to those who took the time to ask the questions to open this conversation for dialogue.

Always know as a member of a community that I have always severed. Each and every one of you is entitled to always #RESTFULLY come DIRECTLY to me with with

Any issues or concerns?

Allow me the opportunity to be clear, and For the record!

I Master Eli Ra DO NOT ❌ have charge(s) against me.

There is Only ONE ☝🏾 CHARGE!

That was filed in court by a Pup/ submissive (That was navigated by Allure Bender) a pup sub that I choose to Uncollar from a D/s dynamic that I was the Dominant in from 2018 -till they moved out of my home(rent Free) in February 2020 a few months before COVID -19 hit. 🚩 #stayWOKE to the #HOBOSEXSUAL predatorial behavior PATTERNS of individuals seeking D/s dynamics within your “community “.🚩

the ⚖️misdemeanor charge: Malicious use of Photos charge is PENDING, due to #TheMaster Ra asking for his rights as an American citizen he requested a court trial with a JURY by LAW.

Just to clear any ROMERS & or FALSE allegations #LIES, there are :

🚫NO SEXUAL charges

🚫NO ABUSE charges

🚫 NO Child Molestation

🚫RAPE charges

🙅🏾‍♂️None of the gossip and lies spearheaded by Glenda (IMsL’s THEIF)

Goddess Indigo Ms. TEXAS who currently resides in Maryland, Mistress Max Rulz , or Flash (who I still don’t know)

None of these women of color NEVER address me to get any information before addressing the “community” with their DISRESPECTFUL “open letter”

To place the “community” in a frenzy that I am being held accountable for by means of blackballing & “cancel culture “tactics when in FACT:

💁🏾‍♂️the trial date is STILL pending Because I Asked for a Jury.

💁🏾‍♂️I have turned in ALL the EVIDENCE that includes all photos and text correspondence between me & them And All of the screenshots of what has been said by EVERYONE in the “community” who decided to become involved PUBLICLY on Social Media!

And All “ Allegations” lies, rumors, and false information and their conspirators will be handled in COURT.

All parties involved have been issued  cease, and desist letters. 

This “common has clearly shown how THEY / & all of THEM are willing to openly & public defend a person who entered into ADULT Leather Spaces illegally, under Age in 2015 at Weekend Reunion, The Eagle NYC & The Bike Stop at their pup nights through 2018 when #TheMaster first met 🐶them at MAL here in DC as a friend of my pup at the time ( KitTwililight Barkson).

Neglecting to address the use of FAKE IDs & fraudulent identification use within O/our Adult Play spaces continuously Places the entire community at lage Safe spaces at Risk!

Perhaps MORE vetting within the leather Community ahold be added to the “OPEN LETTER to the “community” as my charge for being a D-type as a risk to our community. (that was not a joke/ but I was being sarcastic)

Not to mention this same person STALKED me for 3 YEARS (evidence shown at FLOSOM STREET in NYC in 2016) before actually officially meeting me up stairs in my suit as a ticketed registered guest at MAL


Now if ANYONE has any further questions my DM is still open!

I’ll wait because #IAM LEATHER!



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