I HAVE A fucking Q:
But let’s have a conversation on how it LOOKS & SOUNDS to us as independently thinking ADULTS!
Since I've truly attempted to look at EVERYTHING from different perspectives. I want to know from my GAY Kinky MEN with Leather fetishes.. as I have seen more and more alarming very New cases of Adult Men being arrested for having sexual encounters with children under 18 years of age from Hook-up apps.
I want to address the fuchsia elephant in the middle of the room that many choose to ignore in order to have an open conversation .
Unlike many, I will NOT sit here and become a JUDGE or jury when I have NOT been appointed to. Nor will I do the emotional labor to defend or to convict anyone based on any of my own unresolved past traumas .
However, I will use this is a perfect opportunity for OUR community to have an Open ADULT CONVERSATION on how to PROTECT one another who call themselves sexual outlaws when/ while navigating O/ourselves on “HOOKUP APPS”
The Reality is this:
Many of our GAY bars are closing. The “Hook up apps “ have infiltrated GAY CULTURE.
IT IS WHAT IT IS … and like the saying goes, when you can’t beat them, join them .. ( which now is not the best way to go)
The way W/we used to flirt/cruise is a lost art, it's all been replaced by the computer and our smart phones.
So how do WE evolve in this day and age still continue to contain GAY/Queer “SAFE SPACES” for US to be the sexual deviants we claim to as KINKSTER & Gay/Queer Leathermen?
How do W/we occupy spaces without having doubt that the spaces we consume are not infiltrated by minors.?